A Brief Overview of Reddit, How and Why to Use it

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I am going to do a really brief overview here just to help new people get started.  If you want more detail, that’s another post.  Reddit is one of the top up and coming social media platforms as of now, April 2018.  While others are seeing declining use, Instagram and Reddit aren’t.  The reason is in the algorithm.


Algorithms are becoming increasingly important to our lives and we are ourselves algorithms.  Although we are not mathematical algorithms we are animals that respond predictably.

While Reddit uses a more computer-based algorithm, both people and Reddit have a set of rules.  With Reddit, you get Karma points if people like what you post and or your comments.  You lose karma points if people don’t like your posts or comments.

Reddit Mobile User Profile Page

Reddit Mobile User Profile Page


Subreddits are basically categories.  Begin by finding topics you are interested in.  For me, I practice physical therapy as my main job so I followed that subreddit.  First of all, you will want to read the rules for the subreddit on the right-hand side of the screen if you are on a desktop.   In the mobile view clicking on “Community Info” in the app’s menu when viewing a subreddit takes you to the subreddit’s sidebar with the rules or a link to them.

The people in the group may or may not be experts.  I know there are people who are not physical therapy professionals in the physical therapy subreddit.  You have to take things with a grain of salt.  People are often using an anonymous name and can be very rude.  If you are a blogger like me you have to make sure a group will allow you to post your content there.

Getting Traffic For Online Content Using Reddit

Getting traffic from Reddit was the reason I joined the app.  Although you can get crazy amounts of traffic for it don’t think it will come easy.  I think most group moderators actually mostly resent people who post their content.  The main rule is for every self-promotion post you need to post at least 10 posts that are not self-promoting.  I usually do that through questions although finding relevant questions and making them understandable is still hard.

Getting Karma

Simple, easy to understand questions are the way to go.  That’s my experience anyways.   This morning I posted to the physical therapy subreddit asking for insight on why I’ve had better luck having the energy to run than lift weights lately.  I got a surprising number of angry responses from people frustrated with my question.  I honestly don’t know how to put it better.

Getting Started

To keep this post super simple I recommend downloading the app to your smartphone and just play with it.  While there are useful tools on the desktop version the app was the only way I got started.  You may want to use an anonymous username.  I used my real name and regret it because often I’m afraid to say what I really want to.  A useful app for posting is called bacon reader.  It is how I post most things due to the format being easy to use.

Okay, that should get you going.  Remember, people are rude as hell on here and often really cranky so just be ready.  Don’t go in thinking you can just post your content, you’ll get banned from subreddits right and left.  Lastly, you can always delete your account and start a new one if you get banned from the main subreddits you care about.  When people don’t know your name or see you in person they can be horrible.  Good Luck!  Below is a diagram of the desktop version to help you find your way. Credit to agileleanlife.com

Reddit Desktop Layout

Reddit Desktop Layout


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